
Project Started: Feb 2024

--- Whatever inconsistencies, grammars and spelling here... Does not reflect how I professionally write.

This is a "quick!, TYPE that, Save that INFO" note taking system.

Quick Explanation.

This is not your usual wholly organized system.
The snippets of writings here aren't "complete notes" and will never be.

I've designed my note taking system to be a:
-> Flexible: "QUICK, jot down your thoughts/paste transcripts and then refine those later"
-> Self-Focused: Grammars, Spellings aren't really considered because, literally the only target audience of my notes is my future self.
-> Click here for "Use Case" Scenarios

It's basically a mix of unstructured notes to STRUCTURED notes
!Since I am consuming more info everyday, therefore it'll primarily consist of
60% unstructured notes and 40% structured notes

The magic here is even though I have lots of UNSTRUCTURED notes
!==I can still easily locate/find them later in case if I need it
And "later", I meant weeks, months or EVEN YEARS!

How did I do it?

I am primarily using the note taking method PARA and it's never about making set in stone notes. No, the notes here are evolving, sometimes they are in their early raw stages, in maturity or be left in archives for years till I realized I actually needed my notes typed years ago.

!! IMPORTANT -> !! (The notes here are extracted from my full PARA note taking system where it's not publicly available. So, this only partially reflects what and how PARA functions as a note taking system)

This is a preview of my FULL PARA NOTE TAKING SYSTEM

I have dived in the aspect of Zettelkasten and Atomic Notes (which I still use the concepts sometimes). However, these two note taking techniques are incredibly time consuming and the lifestyle that I'm living right now requires me to consume lots of new information and easily discard deemed useless information (but might be still useful in the future, who knows). This is why PARA note taking method is used.


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More Notes Here:

This was written in the Covid pandemic era and no longer is updated.
I have refined my techniques and how I write stuffs so whatever is on the website below, does not reflect my note taking system today. But, it might still interest you so here you go:

Use Case Scenario

Shown here is how I use PARA but not limited to:

The notes is up to my Future Self

  • A finance article interests me
  • I copy-paste what's interesting and put those here
  • I find it's not useful for me TODAY but I know...
  • I know, one day, my FUTURE SELF will stumble these note and will find it useful,
  • Finally, it's up to this future self if he'll summarize the notes or whatever he'll use it for :)

Quick Documentation for Coding
Sometimes, documentations can be convulated with functionalities that are irrelevant to the project that I'm currently working on. That's why sometimes I store all the codes that I only deemed as relevant in here. It basically acts as a mini documentation for my current project :)

I've designed my note taking system to not be set in stone, it's FLEXIBLE
Therefore, the mentioned use case scenario's here are only one of the possibilities that might emerge from using my note taking system.